From the @supermechanical twitter account "An official API for Twine was never in the plans.",
I asked the @supermechanical twitter account about this and a few other features yesterday. While they answered my other questions, they didn't say anything about analog support for the breakout board. Not very re-assuring
Sadly, IFTTT integration is unlikely. See this tweet from the official supermechanical twitter account.
"We talked with IFTTT, but they needed data in a way that wasn't compatible."
Additional sadness: "An official API for Twine was never in the pla…
Yeah, so this was either a issue, or a problem with the network I was connected to at the time (I was traveling).
Apparently my twine was able to connect to the wifi network, but not communicate with
The fact that this prevented m…
I'm having the same issue. network setup completes, but twine won't connect to my phone. Other devices (laptop, iPad, etc) have no trouble. Network is up, and has connection to the internet (posting this from laptop via tether)
I received my first low battery warning 11 days ago. Still kicking, current voltage is 2.52v.
Granted, my twine has been sitting almost idle since, so YMMV.