Stacy - thanks for the script. Works beautifully. I've tweaked it to support two Twines, and also convert the temperatures to celsius:
temp3=$(echo "scale=2;(5/9)*($T1-32)"|bc)
Gary, this isn't rule-based. What Stacy's script does is call a 'hidden'…
Great stuff, YoYo Pete. Does your JSON array display the temperature? If so, in what format? I couldn't see it listed in my array, or not in a format I could recognise
Not all mobile networks are yet supported. Twine are using email-to-SMS gateways and t-mobile's are either flakey or non-existent. Same issue with me (tmobile UK)
And also, a full log of all rules which were triggered along with a timestamp. Right now, SMS alerts don't come through ... and nor are emails. It would be useful to check when rules were triggered in order to diagnose SMS/email relay problems